Buy Kitchen Active Spiralizer Spiral Slicer ✮ Vegetable Peeler Pasta Maker ✮ Veggie Zucchini Cutter Kitchen Tools

Buy Kitchen Active Spiralizer Spiral Slicer ✮ Vegetable Peeler Pasta Maker ✮ Veggie Zucchini Cutter Kitchen Tools




I didn’t think it was possible for a product to be so easy to you. But my mind was changed when I tried the Sprializer Spiral Slicer on zucchini & made noodles out of it for dinner last night. In less than a minute (each veggie) I was able to make long strings. The prep time was awesome. Now I have to say I’ve not used a device like this before so I have nothing to compare it to. But for the price & the convenience, it’s worth having in your kitchen arsenal! The only tricky part is getting to the end of your veggie. While this gadget has a topper (with needle) to manage the ends, it only allows you to push the topper down so far. I found a fork to be more effective, but there is still a little waste. But for what it can do, a little throw away, is worth it. I highly recommend the tool. It’s small, easy to hold & grip. The clean-up was nothing more than running under water….and done! And let me also mention how pretty it makes the food presentation look on the plate ;)

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