Buy MoiChef 8-Piece Premium Ceramic Knives Set with White Sheaths in Gift Box

Buy MoiChef 8-Piece Premium Ceramic Knives Set with White Sheaths in Gift Box




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I had purchased a Kyocera ceramic knife a while back, which was a decent knife, but I loved these bright colors. Once I got them, I was really impressed. They truly do cut through food like butter! I would say we reach for these knives 95% of the time. We only use our old knives for meat with bones or frozen food, as the manufacturer warns that they could break or chip then. We made a video of us cutting stuff - it is so easy to just slice and dice away (we might have gotten a little carried away, but it is fun to feel like a professional!). I saw another reviewer who said they couldn't cut celery with the paring knife - not sure what kind of celery they were cutting, but I was sure to include some celery cutting in our video. Believe me, not a problem. I also love the included knife sheaths -good quality and a big step up from making them out of cardboard &duct tape! However, I also purchased the available knife block, so I usually just keep them out on my counter-top in easy reach. Especially since I love to demonstrate them to everyone that comes over! Probably sending a few more customers your way, MoiChef!

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